Why ISEF Foundation

We believe education practices and policies should be community-based and connected to family engagement efforts that mobilize voices, resources and solutions.

We want to partner with families, schools and communities in making a difference in young children’s learning and development. To do so, we support community-based family engagement efforts that empower parents, caregivers and families as leaders in children’s development, recognizing that this is a shared responsibility with schools and communities.

We seek to improve the quality of both teaching and learning through leadership and professional development in which educators receive the support and training they need to deliver high-quality learning opportunities for all students. This includes working with child care providers, schools and teacher preparation programs to create safe, positive environments that are content rich, results-driven and culturally meaningful and relevant.

We support aligning systems to increase collaboration and improve the effectiveness of everyone who works in early child development – including centers, home-based and informal child care, schools, government systems and business. We believe this is essential if all families and young children are to have access to high-quality education.


Also in order to ensure that adult who are not salary earners or who earn little amount that is not sufficient to meet their needs are able to meet up with their responsibilities, we have a Business idea development, commencement, growth stability initiative called Business Development SupportInitiative – BUDS Iinitiative. This will support the beneficiaries to grow their businesses in areas of their capabilities or specializations thereby empowering there to meet their financial obligations in their families and the society where they live.