What ISEF Foundation Supports
Research shows that children need to be prepared for educational success in order to succeed in school, work and life. That preparation relates to every aspect of a child’s development from birth to age 8 and everywhere a child learns – at home, in child care settings, in preschool and in kindergarten through third grade.
The active engagement and empowerment of families also play critical roles in a child’s education and a family’s ability to engage fully depends to a great degree on whether its basic needs – for food, employment, a path to economic security – have been met. To address the needs of children, we must address the needs of parents and children together.
In education, as in all other areas related to our mission, barriers to opportunities based on race or income often inhibit the success of children and their families. Efforts to eliminate these barriers are critical to ultimately help break the cycle of poverty.
Also, we observed that a lot of people with some business ideas lack the capacity to bring business them to reality whether financially or technically. So, a little support that they may receive externally may help to TURN them ON to commence that idea to a great venture that can be a solution to problems of the society or meet most needs of the nation we desire tpo grow economically.